Please continue to play the sports you love and continue to support your local centres now more than ever.

We also ask that we all take responsibility for ourselves and recognise if we have concerns of showing any symptoms that you follow correct process and exclude yourselves from activities until you are cleared to play.

Business as Usual.


Following on from the communication sent out 16/03/2020 ISNSW would like to update the previous details sent out after the second National Cabinet meeting held 17/03/2020.

Below is the information that is to be considered in conjunction with the best practice procedures and measure in regards to hygiene and social distancing that was mentioned in the correspondence sent 16/03/2020


General Population – Indoor Gatherings
As part of our efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Australia, the National Cabinet has advised further restrictions on gatherings.
The National Cabinet has accepted the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) advice that non-essential indoor gatherings of greater than 100 people (including staff) will no longer be permitted from Wednesday 18 March 2020.
An indoor gathering refers to a gathering within a single enclosed area (i.e. an area, room or premises that is or are substantially enclosed by a roof and walls, regardless of whether the roof or walls or any part of them are permanent, temporary, open or closed).

This does not apply to essential activities such as public transportation facilities, medical and health care facilities, pharmacies, emergency service facilities, correctional facilities, youth justice centres or other places of custody, courts or tribunals, Parliaments, food markets, supermarkets and grocery stores, shopping centres, office buildings, factories, construction sites, and mining sites, where it is necessary for their normal operation (although other social distancing and hygiene practices may be required in these settings).

This includes being able to maintain a distance of 1.5 metres between patrons.

Hand hygiene products and suitable waste receptacles need to be available, with frequent cleaning and waste disposal.

This may require significant changes to the operation of some venues, such as reducing the maximum capacity or increasing the space available.
Settings like gyms, indoor fitness centres and swimming pools are not required to close at this time providing they meet these requirements for social distancing and hand hygiene. Such venues should take actions to ensure regular high standards of environmental cleaning take place.
Please review the above and reconsider any activities that may fall outside of these restrictions or parameters.
ISNSW appreciate that we are a unique industry where the business operators rely on the running of the centres to sustain and maintain livelihoods so we ask that you adhere to all government advice and recommendations as they are now imposing harsh financial penalties.

Sticking to the above it is “Business as usual”

Update on coronavirus measures | Prime Minister of Australia

The focus for the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments is the health and wellbeing of Australians and their livelihoods, ensuring that Australia is positioned to emerge strong and resilient from this global pandemic crisis. Leaders met last night for the second National Cabinet meeting and….
